

Life After UNO is a professional and personal development program for students designed to help Mavericks excel as official UNO alumni. Whether you are a freshman preparing in advance or a senior applying for your first job, Life After UNO can help you successfully navigate your next steps.  

Sessions are open to all UNO students and are FREE to attend.

Life After UNO: Perseverance

February 4, 2025
11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Milo Bail Student Center Ballroom

Who should attend: All UNO students are welcome.

What you will learn: How to balance life and work, persevere through challenges and gain confidence to take bold strides forward.

Cost: Free, plus lunch is included. RSVP is required as space is limited.

Dr. Dusten D. Crichton, Director of the Thompson Learning Community, will share his journey from an emancipated minor to a leading advocate for “At-Promise” students in higher education. Dr. Crichton’s story of resilience and success will motivate you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.


Dusten D. Crichton, Ph.D., is the Director of UNO’s Thompson Learning Community. Crichton‘s background as an emancipated minor and ward of the court has driven his passion for advocating for “At-Promise” students in higher education. For the past 11 years, he has led the largest and one of the most successful learning communities of its kind, resulting in over 1,700 students graduating from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. These students are typically among the highest need at UNO each year. In addition to his professional role, Crichton is a father of two teenage boys and a mentor and coach to many. He takes his responsibilities as a father and role model seriously, understanding the profound impact that positive role modeling can have on young people, a lesson he values greatly in his own life.

FREE to attend. Lunch is included.
RSVP is required as space is limited. 

To suggest future session topics or to volunteer to be a featured speaker, contact Nathan Hankenson, Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement, at 402-502-3330 or [email protected].